For caregivers, having contingency plans is a standard part of supporting loved ones—knowing what to do in a medical emergency or who can step in if the primary caregiver isn’t available. But preparedness should also extend to situations like national disasters or evacuation scenarios, which add another layer of planning complexity. The following emergency preparedness tips can help caregivers build a robust plan to ensure their loved ones’ safety under unforeseen circumstances.

A significant breakthrough in dementia care comes from Boston University researchers, who have developed an AI-based tool that can predict with 78.5% accuracy whether individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) are likely to remain stable or develop Alzheimer’s-related dementia within six years. By analyzing speech patterns, this tool offers a proactive approach for identifying those at risk and tailoring early support strategies.

For caregivers, stress management and caregiving support are essential. Experts in neurology and caregiving suggest practical strategies for minimizing stress and enhancing the caregiving experience. These include exploring flexible work options, enlisting support from friends or family, and practicing self-care, which often takes a back seat in caregiving routines.

Reflecting on life after caregiving, Susan Bigelow, who cared for her late husband, describes her journey through grief as a seasonal transition. She shares how this new phase in her life mirrors the gentle, gradual change from winter to spring. The shift from “we” to “I” isn’t abrupt, she explains, but unfolds over time, reminding caregivers of the importance of patience and self-compassion during this period.

In new developments, a drug from Eisai and Biogen offers hope to those in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease by targeting beta-amyloid plaques—a key factor in the progression of Alzheimer’s. This treatment may help slow the disease for those recently diagnosed, adding another option to the landscape of dementia care.

These insights and innovations underscore the multifaceted nature of caregiving, where readiness, adaptation, and the pursuit of new options contribute to a resilient and informed journey. From emergency preparedness to advancements in care, caregivers play an essential role in ensuring the well-being of their loved ones.

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